Eating local, made easy.
The Local Choice Food Box is a collaboration of organic and sustainable farms across the Puget Sound area. Starting in June, our CSA members customize a box of farm-grown fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, bread, and other local goodies, which we deliver to neighborhood and workplace pick up locations every Thursday. It's an easy way to have local, organic, chemical-free food grown specifically for you by some of Washington's finest farmers.
Not only is ours the oldest multiple-farm CSA in Washington, it is also the only one that offers its members total choice of what food items they get each week AND guarantees that every single item is local. We are the only choice for those who want to have total control over what they eat, and want it local, too!
Your farmers at Growing Washington, along with over 25 of Washington's finest organic specialty crop farmers, will take care of feeding you this season. We grow and harvest your food, pack your personalized box, and deliver it to your neighborhood, home, or workplace in less than 36 hours.
Everything that you will eat from your weekly boxes is grown locally. This means that you'll have to go elsewhere for your lemons, limes, and mangos. But, the beauty of our box is learning to eat in season, and you'll be amazed to find up to 200 choices per week during the peak of the season. We farmers in Washington grow a wide diversity of crops, and we are excited to bring them all to you!
Our farm team grows over 200 varieties of fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs, livestock, and also has a commercial kitchen where we make things like jam, pickles and dressings. We team up with dozens of the state's best specialty crop growers. Our farm is certified organic, and nearly all of our partner farmers are as well.
As a member of our CSA, you essentially buy a share in our farm's harvest, and we pay you back by bringing you the best local produce every week for an entire season! Your membership directly supports local farmers.
Summer Program
20 weeks
mid-June through October
Fall Program
4 weeks
Our main program runs from mid-June through October, and our fall season runs through November. Boxes are delivered once a week, every week.
We have over 100 pickup locations in King, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties. We deliver to neighborhoods, work places, municipalities and government agencies, and to like-minded businesses who serve as site hosts.
View our list of pick-up locations on Farmigo →
To bring you a great diversity of delicious, organic, fresh, local food from our area's finest farmers, whose food is grown for you by people you will get to know on a first name basis.
Begin by selecting your pick-up location.
Pick out a box size that best suits your needs.
You can let us us pick out your food each week (we call these our Farmer Choice boxes), OR:
Log in weekly and select your items yourself (these are our Local Choice boxes, we'll remind you weekly).
All of our members have access to our Farm Store during the weekly login window, where you can purchase extra goodies to arrive with your box throughout the season.
We receive your order and harvest your food...or, we rustle up your selections from one of our farm partners.
We pack your box, then deliver it to your chosen pick-up location.
Eat, and enjoy!